Home History/Facts What Is The Weather Like In Bangkok In November

What Is The Weather Like In Bangkok In November

by Brian J

Bangkok is a fascinating city located in Thailand that has a number of exciting attractions and activities to explore. November is the perfect time of year to visit, as it provides visitors with mild temperatures and moderate humidity levels.

In this article, you’ll learn about the average temperature, humidity, precipitation and rainfall during this month as well as what clothing is recommended for your trip. We’ll also discuss common weather conditions that can be expected in Bangkok during November so you can plan accordingly.

## Average Temperature

November in Bangkok is usually quite warm, with average temperatures ranging from 25 to 33 degrees Celsius! The mornings and evenings tend to be cooler, with temperatures ranging from 21-27°C.

During the day it can get quite hot, with highs of up to 34°C on occasion. Humidity levels are high during this time of year, making the heat more intense. It’s important for visitors to dress appropriately and stay hydrated while exploring the city in November.

Rainfall is also common during this month, so travelers should prepare for wet weather conditions as well. Though there may be some hot days that feel like summertime, November in Bangkok typically brings mild temperatures and comfortable warmth that makes sightseeing enjoyable without being too oppressive.

## Average Humidity

Heading to Bangkok in November? Get ready for humid days, with average humidity levels ranging from 75-85%. The humidity is often high due to the city’s tropical climate and proximity to the Gulf of Thailand.

However, there are some areas, such as downtown Bangkok, where humidity can be a bit lower because of the air conditioning used in buildings. Furthermore, the western outskirts of the city tend to be more dry than other parts of town.

Bangkok is usually quite muggy during this time of year due to its hot and humid climate. Clouds are also common because of monsoon season, which usually begins around October or November and lasts until mid-February. During this period, thunderstorms can occur, as well as heavy rainfall.

This will all add to the already high humidity levels throughout most parts of Bangkok during November, but especially at night when temperatures drop significantly, leading to higher amounts of moisture in the air.

Being prepared for hot and humid weather is key when planning a trip to Bangkok during November. Be sure to bring light and breathable clothing while packing an umbrella, just in case you experience any rain showers or thunderstorms during your stay!

If you’re looking for relief from the heat and humidity, head indoors where air-conditioned places, such as malls, movie theaters, restaurants, or cafes, can provide respite from the warm outside temperatures.

## Precipitation & Rainfall

Be prepared for the possibility of precipitation during your stay in Bangkok as November is typically when monsoon season begins, bringing with it increased chances of rainfall.

The city experiences a tropical savanna climate all year round, so although temperatures are fairly consistent, there is a wide range of precipitation levels throughout the year. During November, rainfall averages about 150 mm (5.9 inches), which is more than double the average over the course of the year. This monthly total generally comes from 10 to 13 days with measurable rain each month.

Rainfall usually occurs in short bursts and can be quite intense at times but often clears up quickly as well. In addition to this, humidity levels remain high throughout much of November too, averaging around 70%.

Dress accordingly if you plan on spending time outdoors because daytime temperatures tend to reach highs near 30 degrees Celsius (86°F) and drop to night time lows around 22 degrees Celsius (72°F). It’s important to remember that these temperatures don’t account for humidity levels which can make it feel hotter or colder than what it actually is.

Additionally, while sunny days are possible during this time of year they’re not common; expect cloudy skies most days with occasional light showers or thunderstorms passing through periodically throughout your stay in Bangkok in November.

When planning your trip keep in mind that weather can be unpredictable and sudden changes should be expected; you may see sunny skies one minute only to have torrential downpours a few minutes later. Be sure to pack an umbrella or waterproof gear just in case!

## Weather Conditions

As you travel to Bangkok in November, be prepared for a wild and unpredictable ride of weather conditions!

Temperatures throughout the month can range from warm afternoons with highs around 85°F (29.4°C) to cool evenings with lows near 75°F (23.9°C).

The humidity is usually quite high as well, ranging from moderate to oppressive levels depending on the day.

Rainfall during this time of year is generally light but there may be occasional thunderstorms in the late afternoon or evening hours.

Sunlight is abundant and there may even be clear skies at night so you can enjoy the stars glimmering in the sky above!

November in Bangkok also tends to have a wide variety of wind speeds and gusts that make it hard to predict what kind of conditions will prevail for any given day.

Winds are usually south-easterly but they may come from any direction depending on changing air pressure patterns or other influences.

Gusts can occur unexpectedly and reach speeds up to 25 mph (40 km/h) so travelers should prepare for sudden shifts in temperature or precipitation when heading out for their excursion.

During your stay, take advantage of all that Bangkok has to offer no matter what type of weather comes your way – explore temples, shop at markets, try delicious street food, and soak up all the culture that defines this city!

## Clothing Suggestions

When visiting Bangkok in November, it’s important to dress appropriately and take into account the range of temperatures, humidity levels, and wind gusts that can occur.

The temperature usually hovers around 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and drops to around 70 degrees at night. On some days, however, temperatures may reach as low as 65 degrees or higher than 85 degrees.

It is also very humid with an average humidity of 75%, so breathable fabrics such as cotton are recommended when dressing for the weather. Additionally, although not a daily occurrence, there may be strong winds throughout the month which could necessitate wearing something more substantial like a light jacket or sweater.

In terms of clothing colors, lighter shades are typically preferred due to the heat and brightness of the sun in Bangkok during this time of year. A wide brimmed hat is also recommended for protection from UV rays and sunglasses if you plan on spending time outdoors.

For footwear choices, sandals are popular choices but comfortable walking shoes should be considered if you plan on doing a lot of sightseeing or walking around town.

Given these tips in mind during your trip to Bangkok in November will help ensure that you’re dressed comfortably while enjoying all this city has to offer!

## Frequently Asked Questions

### What is the sunset time in Bangkok in November?

In November, the sun sets in Bangkok around 6:15 PM. Generally, the sky is clear and the air relatively dry during this time of the year so you can enjoy a beautiful sunset every evening.

### What is the average wind speed in Bangkok in November?

The average wind speed in Bangkok during November is around 7.9 mph. You can expect mostly gentle breezes throughout the month with occasional stronger gusts.

### What is the average number of sunny days in Bangkok in November?

November in Bangkok typically has around 18 sunny days, with plenty of sunshine every day. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts!

### Are there any festivals or holidays in Bangkok in November?

Yes, there are several festivals and holidays in Bangkok in November. The Loy Krathong Festival is celebrated on the full moon of the 12th lunar month, which falls on November 22nd this year. Loi Krathong is a traditional festival where people make offerings to the river spirits. Additionally, Children’s Day is celebrated on 14th November each year.

### Are there any beach activities available in Bangkok in November?

Yes, there are beach activities available in Bangkok in November. Temperatures are usually warm and sunny, so you can enjoy swimming, relaxing on the sand, and soaking up the sun. Other popular activities include jet skiing, boat tours, and parasailing.

## Conclusion

You can expect warm temperatures and high humidity in Bangkok during November. Average temperatures range from around 25°C (77°F) to 32°C (90°F).

Humidity usually hovers between 65-85%. Rainfall is fairly common, but rainfall amounts tend to be low at the beginning of the month. As you progress into November, rain increases and thunderstorms become more likely.

Lightweight clothing that breathes well is recommended for this time of year. Overall, Bangkok in November tends to be hot and humid with a chance of rain. Plan accordingly and you’ll have a great trip!