Home History/Facts What Is The Weather Like In Bangkok In August

What Is The Weather Like In Bangkok In August

by Brian J

Are you considering a trip to Bangkok in August? You’re in for an exciting and unique experience! The weather is hot and humid, with temperatures reaching up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. And while it can be uncomfortable at times, there are plenty of ways to keep cool and enjoy all that Bangkok has to offer.

In this article, we’ll cover the average temperature of Bangkok in August, the high levels of humidity, the impact of monsoon season and tips for staying cool during your visit. Let’s get started!

## Average Temperature in August

You can expect the average temperature in Bangkok during August to be quite warm. The city’s high temperatures rise during this time, with an average of around 32 degrees Celsius (90 Fahrenheit). It’s not uncommon for temperatures to reach as high as 36 degrees Celsius (97 Fahrenheit), and the humidity levels also increase significantly.

As a result, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated if you’re spending any significant amount of time outdoors in Bangkok during August. Rainfall is relatively common during this month, but usually only for short periods of time. If you do experience rain showers, they’ll typically pass within the hour.

When the sun does come out, it can be intensely hot, so bringing protective clothing such as sunglasses and hats is highly recommended. Overall, you should plan on dealing with very warm weather when visiting Bangkok in August.

## High Humidity Levels

Experience high humidity levels in Bangkok during August, it could be quite a sticky situation! As the country experiences its hot and wet season, highs of around 90 percent humidity are not uncommon, making it feel quite uncomfortable.

This can be especially true in densely populated areas where air circulation is limited and the heat rises quickly. The combination of heat and humidity can make it difficult to do outdoor activities or even just walk around in comfort.

If you’re planning to visit Bangkok during this time, make sure you bring plenty of water and wear light clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Additionally, consider staying indoors when possible as the air conditioning will provide some much needed relief from the sweltering temperatures outside.

Despite these challenges, there’s still plenty of fun activities available for visitors who come prepared with proper attire and hydration for the hot weather.

## Impact of Monsoon Season

The monsoon season in Bangkok can bring both welcomed and unwelcome consequences, making it an interesting time to visit the city. During this time of year, Bangkok experiences its highest levels of precipitation.

Although this is a relief from the high humidity that occurs during August, it also brings with it heavy rains and flooding. The floods can disrupt transportation and cause delays in flights as well as put people at risk due to potential mudslides or flash floods.

Additionally, the monsoon season brings strong winds which often cause damage to trees and structures throughout the city. These winds can create dangerous flying debris which makes travel around the city difficult when they occur. Furthermore, these winds are known for knocking out power lines which can result in significant power outages across parts of the city or even entire neighbourhoods.

With all these consequences comes a unique opportunity to experience something different in Bangkok during August. The refreshing rain helps cool off temperatures while providing great opportunities for sightseeing along flooded streets or shopping trips under umbrellas.

Despite its inconveniences, the monsoon season provides some exciting activities that make visiting this vibrant Thai capital a truly memorable experience.

## Tips for Staying Cool

Staying cool in Bangkok during the hot and humid August months can be a challenge – but it’s not impossible! To beat the heat, plan ahead and use some of these tips.

First, wear lightweight clothing that is light in color. Choose materials like cotton or linen that are breathable as well as absorbent to help keep you cooler. You should also avoid tight-fitting clothes as they trap sweat and heat against your body.

Second, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid sugary beverages like soda, which can dehydrate you faster due to their high sugar content.

Finally, find ways to stay out of direct sunlight when possible by taking breaks in shady areas or using an umbrella for extra protection from the sun’s rays.

With a bit of planning and effort, you’ll be able to beat the heat this summer in Bangkok!

## Planning Ahead for the Heat

Planning ahead is the best way to beat the heat in Bangkok during August, so you can stay comfortable and cool! Before your trip, make sure to research temperatures and average humidity levels for the time of year. This will help you plan what clothes to bring and how much sunscreen you’ll need.

Additionally, be sure to pack a lightweight umbrella or hat that offers sun protection; this can make a huge difference when walking around town. You might also want to look into accommodations with air conditioning.

Many hotels have rooms that are air conditioned or at least offer fans in each room – these features can provide some relief from the oppressive heat outside. If staying at an Airbnb, check with your host if they offer any cooling amenities like those listed above.

Finally, it’s important to drink lots of water throughout your stay in Bangkok during August – especially if spending time outdoors. Keep a reusable water bottle on hand and refill it often; staying hydrated is essential for beating the heat!

## Frequently Asked Questions

### What is the best time of day to go out in Bangkok during August?

The best time to go out in Bangkok during August is early morning or late afternoon. The heat of the day can be overwhelming, so plan activities when temperatures are cooler. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen for protection from the sun.

### Are there any festivals or events that take place in Bangkok during August?

Yes, there are several festivals and events that take place in Bangkok during August. The National Mother’s Day Celebration is on August 12th, followed by Asarnha Bucha Day on the 15th. The popular Loi Krathong Festival takes place in late November and provides a unique experience.

### How should visitors dress for the weather in Bangkok during August?

Visitors should dress for hot, humid days in August. Shorts, t-shirts and sandals are recommended. Choose light materials made of natural fibres to keep cool. Bring a hat or umbrella to guard against the sun’s rays and occasional showers.

### Are there any activities to do in Bangkok to beat the heat?

Yes, there are plenty of activities to beat the heat in Bangkok during August. Head to an indoor mall for some air-conditioned fun, or take a dip in one of the city’s many pools and water parks. For a unique experience, check out a local Muay Thai match or go to one of the nearby floating markets for delicious foods and cool breezes.

### What is the best way to stay hydrated in Bangkok during August?

Stay hydrated and cool in Bangkok during August by drinking plenty of water, wearing light and breathable clothing, and avoiding alcohol. Drink fluids throughout the day to stay refreshed. Wear a hat or use an umbrella for protection from the sun.

## Conclusion

August in Bangkok can be hot and humid, but with the right preparation, you can make the most of your visit. The monsoon season may bring some rain, but it’s usually short-lived.

Take precautions to stay cool like wearing light clothing and drinking plenty of water. With a little bit of planning ahead, you’ll be able to enjoy your trip without feeling overwhelmed by the heat.

So don’t let the weather put a damper on your plans, pack smart and have an amazing time in Bangkok!